TV Broadcast - Offers
True Faith
A proper interpretation of the Bible is essential if believers are to be effective in sharing the Gospel of Grace. Correctly dividing God’s Word of faith is essential for us if we are to avoid falling into the trap of
self-effort in our belief. We can get confused without a clear understanding of the link between faith and works. Our behavior certainly does matter, but our actions must come out of our faith in God’s grace;
otherwise, they are empty works. Christ’s faith is perfect and flawless, and relieves us of the burden of relying on our own imperfect faith. Jesus is what God believes about us; therefore, agreeing with Him elevates us from operating from faith in God to the faith of God, Himself. Join Creflo Dollar as he delves deep into True Faith in this timely 10-message series. Learn about True Faith today.
Ten message series including:
- The Gift of Grace and Faith
- Does Faith Require Works?
- Is Faith Without Works Dead?
- Is Faith Without Works Dead? (Part 2)
- The One True Faith
- Faith of God vs Faith in God
- The Finished Life of Faith
- Resting and Realizing in True Faith
- Resting and Realizing in True Faith (Part 2)
- The Gift of Faith
Sorting Out Life’s Drama
Life has a way of throwing adversity at us at the most inopportune times! As a result, it is unreasonable to expect our lives to be smooth and free of trouble and trauma; however, sometimes we create dramatic situations where there are none because of the way we think! This is destructive and deadly; not only does wrong thinking affect our relationships with others, but it also destroys our mental and physical health over time. In her powerful and instructive three-part series, Sorting Out Life’s Drama, Taffi Dollar uncovers how to start thinking differently and change the entire trajectory of your life!
Three message series including:
- How to Sort Out the Drama Life Brings
- Recognizing the Power of Thoughts
- How to Be Well-Adjusted Without Even Thinking About It
How to Maintain Your Righteous Stance
In these last days, we will see unprecedented global changes, but not all of them will be good. On a personal level, there will be a vicious attack on our souls, in which the devil will try to get us to question our righteousness in Christ. Our minds are the battlefield and the arena of faith! The person who does not know their God is open to deception. In this urgent and necessary five-part series, How to Maintain Your Righteous Stance, Creflo Dollar comes to remind us that our righteousness is permanent, and we can never sin it away; if we have trouble believing this, it is because we have not renewed our minds according to God’s grace. It’s time to get the upper hand over sin and be transformed!
Five message series including:
- Maintaining Your Righteous Stance
- Maintaining Your Righteous Stance (Part 2)
- How to Maintain Your Righteous Stance
- The Gift of Righteousness vs. The Curse of Sin
- Victory Over Sinful Behavior
How to Have Hope When It’s Hard
We’ve all encountered rough spots in our lives when trouble showed up and we wanted to run and hide from it. Life isn’t always easy; it is to be expected that we will struggle with adversity from time to time. Taffi Dollar’s three-part series, How to Have Hope When It’s Hard, breaks down the steps to overcoming adversity. No matter what the situation looks like, we have already won because of what Jesus accomplished.
Three message series including:
- How to Have Hope When It’s Hard
- Why We Run: The Importance of Not Running from Battles
- Life’s Battles Are Real but So Is Your Victory
Understanding the Foundation of Righteousness
Strict obedience and constant self-effort no longer result in righteousness for God’s children. Regardless of our actions, we’re righteous when He says we’re righteous. Though our state continually changes, our stance in Him is permanent and independent of our behavior. Creflo Dollar’s two-message series, Understanding the Foundation of Righteousness, uncovers the foundations to build our lives on so that our identity is based in Him.
Two message series including:
- Understanding the Foundation of Righteousness
- The Importance of Understanding Righteousness
What It Means to Fall from Grace
For proper biblical understanding and clear spiritual vision, believers must have a grasp on the nature of grace. Falling from grace is not actually falling into sin. We fall from grace when we do not believe that Jesus has already done everything necessary for our salvation. Faith is extremely important to God. He wants us to rest in the promises He made to us; this rest is only possible through genuine belief in what He said, with absolutely no doubt or unbelief. Discover the nature of grace in Creflo Dollar’s 4-message series, What It Means to Fall from Grace.
Four message series including:
- What it Means to Fall From Grace
- What it Means to Fall From Grace Part 2
- Dead Works vs. Good Works
- Resting In the Arms of Jesus
How to Avoid Identity Theft
A relationship with Jesus Christ is the one thing we need more than anything else. The Holy Spirit works in us to show us the beauty of God’s glory to draw us toward Him and away from worldly things. However, the devil has always been a thief. As believers, we must be on the alert for his attacks; one of the first things he tries to steal that God gave us is who we are in Christ. In Creflo Dollar’s ground-breaking, two-part series, How to Avoid Identity Theft, learn how to be confident in your true identity so that it can’t be stolen from you. Regardless of what the enemy says to us, we have been united with Jesus Christ, so become equipped now!
The Color of Racism
With all the division in the world today, Christians should stand apart as being one unified body of Christ. We are living in a time of strife and division, in which inequality between race, gender, and social and economic status is present. Equality is a much-used term in the secular world, but in a biblical context, we are all equal when we are one in Christ. Because of what Jesus did, everyone—not just one small segment of society—has access to God and all the benefits, privileges, and freedoms that come with Him. The spirit of inferiority is not God’s will. There are plenty of Goliaths in the world that would keep us fearful and in bondage to thinking small, but we must stand up to them. We win when we are willing to step out and carry out the task He has given each one of us.
The Color of Racism 6 message series including:
- Overcoming the Spirit of Racism
- Overcoming Inequality
- Racial Equality
- The Issues of Race and Religion
- The Inferiority Complex
- What is Real Freedom?
The Ministry of Reconciliation
Because of what Jesus Christ did on the cross, the broken relationship between God and mankind that resulted from Adam and Eve’s sin has been restored. Everything about the restoration of this friendship revolves around Christ, because reconciliation would not have been possible without Him. Reconciliation begins with acknowledging equality among all people, no matter who they are. Achieving equity among all people takes work, and begins with the church. If we are to put all races and ethnic groups on equal footing, the church, as the body of Christ, needs to set the example and lead the way.
The Ministry of Reconciliation 3 message series
- Messages included:
- The Ministry of Reconciliation
- The Ministry of Reconciliation Part 2
- The Ministry of Reconciliation Part 3
The Worthy Walk
God has declared us righteous because we’ve been born again. Walking worthy of Christ is not something Christians need to strive to do through self-effort. When we have accepted Christ, God sees us as faultless, regardless of our earthly state. Believing in His love for us allows Him to fulfill His plans for us. In a world where most people work hard to earn God’s blessings, all we need to do is to accept and believe in His finished works. In The Worthy Walk, a six-message series, Creflo Dollar outlines how faith in God’s Word—and a willingness to use it as a weapon when needed—keeps Satan at bay so that he cannot harass or terrorize us from walking worthy!
Four message series including:
- The Worthy Walk
- What are the Conditions of a Worthy Walk?
- Five Conditions of a Worthy Walk
- How to Recognize When You’re in a Spiritual Battle
The Infinite Debt of Love
Jesus went to the cross to cancel not just our financial obligations, but also the debt that we owed for our sins. In His eyes, the debt that we now owe is one of respect, honor, and love to others. Contrary to the world’s system based on money, God uses love as His currency. Love transforms us and moves us from a place of sin and fear to a place of peace, joy, and hope; this is where the power of God is found. As Christians, we must understand the power of love as demonstrated by Jesus Christ. In this enlightening three-part series, The Infinite Debt of Love, Creflo Dollar uncovers how the debt of love that we owe to others is one we can never completely repay—but how it is the only way we can show the world God’s nature.
Three message series including:
- The Debt That Delivers From All Debt
- Is Your Currency of Love on Empty?
- Are You Equipped to Pay the Debt of Love?