TV Broadcast - Offers


The Mindset of the Resilient Man

To be resilient is to have the ability to bounce back, to withstand something difficult without caving in or quitting. Remaining calm helps us fight off the emotions that threaten to take us to a place we don’t need to be. Being mature allows God to use us to reach others and win souls. We therefore must let God teach us to be emotionally mature. We can only succeed by relying on Him; the difference between success or failure is therefore determined by whether we trust in Jesus or in our own self-effort. Develop this mindset with Creflo Dollar’s series, The Mindset of the Resilient Man. The joy that comes from the Lord gives us the strength to walk through life victorious; this is what God wants for us.

Five message series including:

  • How to Stay Resilient
  • The Benefits of a Calm Disposition
  • What to do When Life Knocks You to the Ground
  • Approachability Connections: Are You Approachable?
  • How to Have a Good Sense of Humor

Grace for the New Beginning

For the believer, life can seem like a string of constant battles that weigh us down spiritually. However, despite our flaws and past mistakes, God wants illumination for us so that we can grasp and comprehend His will. His will for our lives does not have to be a mystery! In this five-message series, Grace for the New Beginning, Taffi Dollar outlines how to begin again and find new meaning to the seemingly meaningless things around us. Prepare to be redefined and elevated!

Five message series including:

  • Winning No Matter What
  • The God of Second Chances
  • How to Find, Follow, and Fulfill the Will of God for Your Life
  • The Secret
  • Grace in the Mundane

The Danger of Condemnation

In an environment that condemns us and tells us we are not good enough, trusting in Jesus completely flips things around for us. When all of our self-efforts to improve ourselves have failed, receiving the gift of no condemnation from Him frees us from sinning and empowers us to live godly. We will continue to struggle as long as we focus on ourselves and on our own performance; focusing instead on Christ, and who we are in Him, lifts us out of sin. Condemnation and judgment will never have the power to transform us for the better—only the love and compassion as demonstrated by Jesus can do this. Learn about this, and more, in Creflo Dollar’s 3-message series, The Danger of Condemnation.

Three message series including:

  • No Condemnation for Those Who Are in Christ
  • No Condemnation for Those Who Are in Christ (Part 2)
  • From Condemnation to Grace

When Will I Be What God Says I Am?

On our Christian walk, we are gradually becoming more and more like Jesus Christ. Despite our progress, however, there is still a gap between who God says we are and what we see in our everyday lives; although He says we are the righteousness of God, sometimes we still do unrighteous things. Our faith in Christ is a critical component in this; we must believe what God says we are, even when our lives are not reflecting that yet. God never contradicts Himself; although our stance in perfection was forever determined when we believed in Jesus, our state of perfection, which refers to our earthly lives, is still unfinished. Understanding this gives us peace and lets God work in us to make us as righteous as He is.

Four message series including:

  • When Will I Be What God Says I Am?
  • When Will I Be What God Says I Am? (Part 2)
  • The Stance of the Believer
  • The Stance of the Believer (Part 2)

How to Mature in Your Emotions

On our Christian walk, our emotional maturity determines our success or failure in everything we do! It’s an important part of Christian character that sets believers apart from others. It is important for us to mature not only spiritually, but also emotionally. If we do not grow in this area and fail to control our emotions, they can become a powerful force that we must deal with when we are attacked. Creflo Dollar’s insightful seven-part series, How to Mature Your Emotions, reveals how to unlock this key component to a successful Christian life.

Seven message series including:

  • How to Mature in Your Emotions
  • 10 Signs of Emotional Maturity
  • How to Be Flexible
  • Taking Ownership and Responsibility
  • The Blessing of Not Knowing
  • How to Learn and Grow from Every Opportunity
  • Learning from the Experience of Others


Crazy Expectations

Sometimes we can get so busy and preoccupied with other things we forget what we have been assigned to do. In the distracting environment we live in, positioning ourselves to hear from God is not always easy. We can either wear ourselves out working hard to follow the world’s rules and jump through all of its hoops to achieve success, or we can rest in God’s grace and have success come to us. He wants us to experience His best; however, some things that we do block those blessings! Join Taffi Dollar in the five-message journey, Crazy Expectations, that uncovers how the finished works of Jesus have already made breakthrough available to us; all we need to do is to take what we need by faith!

Five message series including:

  • Crazy Busy
  • Crazy Demands
  • Crazy Expectations
  • Crazy Expectations (Part 2)
  • Crazy Breakthrough

GRACE: God’s Provision for the Believer

Developing a relationship with God and experiencing His character gives us an understanding of how His mercy impacts our lives. Knowing Him reveals His forgiveness and compassion toward everyone, whether saved or unsaved. God has the power to punish and harm us, but instead chooses to love us and be merciful. This is illustrated with Jonah, with whom He showed great compassion. When God gave Jonah a mission Jonah disobeyed, initially ignored Him, and died while trying to run away; however, when Jonah changed his mind God showed him mercy. Experiencing God’s forgiveness and understanding His loving, compassionate nature completely changes our perception of Him.

Four message series including:

  • Three Aspects of Grace
  • Grace for Daily Living
  • How to Take Possession Through Grace
  • How to Take Possession Through Grace Part 2

Keys to Godly Living

Being motivated by anything other than Jesus will frustrate and burden us, which is why we need to receive from Him before we can work for Him. Love must be the motive for everything we do in response to God’s grace. Choosing to comply with God because of our faith in His love influences the entire direction of our lives. Placing our faith in Him does not take away the problems we encounter in life, but does allow Him to deliver us and give us victory over them. No matter what happens in life, we can trust God to watch over us and take care of us. Depending on Him to work through us allows Him to use us as His vessels to do great things, with marvelous results.

Five message series including:

  • Godly Living Obtained by the Power of God
  • Godly Living Obtained by the Power of God Part 2
  • How to Be Motivated by God
  • The Conditions for Acceptable Good Works
  • The Conditions for Acceptable Good Works Part 2

Living Life at God’s Altitude

On our Christian walk, we are gradually becoming more and more like Jesus Christ. Despite our progress, however, there is still a gap between who God says we are and what we see in our everyday lives; although He says we are the righteousness of God, sometimes we still do unrighteous things. Our faith in Christ is a critical component in this; we must believe what God says we are, even when our lives are not reflecting that yet. God never contradicts Himself; although our stance in perfection was forever determined when we believed in Jesus, our state of perfection, which refers to our earthly lives, is still unfinished. Understanding this gives us peace and lets God work in us to make us as righteous as He is.

Three message series including:

  • Living Life on a Divine Plane
  • Living Life on a Divine Plane Part 2
  • Living Life on a Divine Plane Part 3

The Truth About God’s Ways

There is a huge difference in the way God operates and the way mankind operates. Unlike us, He thinks and works on a much higher level than we are capable of. Unlike religion, which tells us we must earn God’s blessings, God blesses us not because of what we do, but because of who He is. The world uses punishment and threats to correct our behavior; by contrast, God uses mercy and forgiveness. The absence of condemnation gives us the power to overcome what once overcame us. Creflo Dollar’s four-part series, The Truth About God’s Ways, urges us not to settle for what we see around us, but instead focus on Jesus and on heaven, because the best is yet to come.

Four message series including:

  • The Truth About God’s Ways
  • God’s Ways vs. Man’s Ways
  • God’s Ways vs. Man’s Ways (Part 2)
  • The Attractiveness of God’s Grace


A Deeper Definition of Grace

As New-Testament believers, a solid understanding of the covenant under which we live gives us a true picture of God. We have all studied grace and truth; however, they are not separate, but the same. Grace is the truth, and is Jesus Christ, Himself. Grace is God’s undeserved, unmerited favor; it does not excuse sin but instead teaches us to live godly lifestyles by changing us from the inside out. Submitting ourselves to grace allows the Holy Spirit to work in us to the point where we want to please God and not just ourselves. This is His love in action. We receive the blessings He wants us to have when we stop trying to earn them and simply receive them by faith.

Three message series including:

  • How to Be Trained by Grace
  • The Full Meaning of Grace
  • The Full Meaning of Grace Part 2

Sorting Out Life’s Drama

Life has a way of throwing adversity at us at the most inopportune times! As a result, it is unreasonable to expect our lives to be smooth and free of trouble and trauma; however, sometimes we create dramatic situations where there are none because of the way we think! This is destructive and deadly; not only does wrong thinking affect our relationships with others, but it also destroys our mental and physical health over time. In her powerful and instructive three-part series, Sorting Out Life’s Drama, Taffi Dollar uncovers how to start thinking differently and change the entire trajectory of your life!

Three message series including:

  • How to Sort Out the Drama Life Brings
  • Recognizing the Power of Thoughts
  • How to Be Well-Adjusted Without Even Thinking About It

How to Maintain Your Righteous Stance

In these last days, we will see unprecedented global changes, but not all of them will be good. On a personal level, there will be a vicious attack on our souls, in which the devil will try to get us to question our righteousness in Christ. Our minds are the battlefield and the arena of faith! The person who does not know their God is open to deception. In this urgent and necessary five-part series, Maintaining Your Righteous Stance, Creflo Dollar comes to remind us that our righteousness is permanent, and we can never sin it away; if we have trouble believing this, it is because we have not renewed our minds according to God’s grace. It’s time to get the upper hand over sin and be transformed!

Five message series including:

  • Maintaining Your Righteous Stance
  • Maintaining Your Righteous Stance (Part 2)
  • How to Maintain Your Righteous Stance
  • The Gift of Righteousness vs. The Curse of Sin
  • Victory Over Sinful Behavior

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