For many people, struggling from paycheck to paycheck is a way of life. Nearly all of their income is spent paying credit card bills, mortgages, and car notes, and often emergencies arise, causing them to resort to borrowing more money or juggling bills just to make ends meet.
Creflo Dollar, a pioneer in the field of debt cancellation and money management, explains both in his book, No More Debt! Through practical, insightful teaching, he outlines the simple, Bible-based steps that will revolutionize your finances and bring you from a place of insufficiency and despair into a place of peace, prosperity, and joy. You will also learn how to:
- Renew your mind by the Word of God in the area of financial prosperity
- Position yourself to hear God’s voice clearly concerning your finances
- Apply faith pressure to the anointing of debt release through Word-based confessions
- Commission angels to assist in your debt deliverance
- Employ God’s weapons of joy and praise
There are many strategies available to get you out of debt, but only one method works without fail. Decide today to employ God’s strategy for debt cancellation and experience permanent, financial prosperity. Your success is guaranteed!